
2011년 8월 7일 "Remnant Missionary"
2011-08-13 00:00:00
조회수   1566
August.07,2011 Sunday Service II Rev. Shin, Bong Jun
Remnant Missionary

Introduction: God has raised remnants as Remnant Missionary. A lot of religions have been created and trying to attack churches. We started having more serious spiritual problems caused by cults and idolatry groups. However, present churches have no power. Believers misunderstand the true walk of faith. They have no spiritual power because they do not pray, in turns, they cannot overcome their hurts and surroundings. Remnants must stand up as Missionaries for this era where churches keep falling down with worldly concerns. I will tell you two conclusions that Remnant Missionary must keep in mind.

1.Enjoy praying for 24 hours
(1)We must receive Gods grace because of three things that have no solution in life
1)Curses by sin
2)Background of the hell
3)The work of disasters by evil satan
(2)24-hour prayer means enjoying Christ, the unique answer in life, everyday and every moment
1)Christ is the only name to get a salvation(Ac.3:6, 4:12, Mt.16:16, 1Pe.2:9)
2)How can we enjoy 24 hours a day given to everyone?
3)We must enjoy Christ for 24 hours because there exist devil satans that stumble our lives
4)The way to receive Gods grace - Christ(Php. 4:13), God has been blessing us for 24 hours
①Status: the children of God(Ps.91:7), evangelists who will save the world(Php.1:6)
②Authority: Christs authority that won the world(Jn.16:33, Mt.28:12-20, Php.2:10)
(3)How do we enjoy 24-hour prayer?
1)when we hear the Words - we must consider the pulpit message as Gods voice(Isa.55:3 your soul may live) / Holy Father
2)Remembering that God is with us, salvation - when we are alone, worship God and stand before God sincerely / Holy Son
3)Praying - the Lord has worked everywhere I am related / Holy Spirit
(4)Even we make mistakes or fail, we must find and enjoy Gods plan under any circumstances
2.Have 24-hour mission
(1)When we enjoy Christ, God gives us 24 hour mission
1)Those who got answers in the Bible realized their own mission
2)Mission that Remnant Missionaries must have
①Ministers, Missionaries
②Lay professional missionaries who have their own skills
3)The mission of those who got answers in the Bible
①Early church - receive the filling of the Holy Spirit, be His witnesses and go to the world(Ac.1:8)
②The workers of Ro.16 - their nicknames stand for their own mission from God
③Paul - the mission of the missionary to save the Gentile(Ac.9:15), the mission to go to the synagogue and look for remnants (Ac.17:1, 18:4, 19:8)
(2)Find my own mission, to restore my own prayers secret
1)David who restored his prayers secret - Ps.23:1, 25:1, 42:5
2)We must find our own prayers in our surroundings, events, talents, and jobs
3)We must find our own prayers that Holy Spirit is with me to beat the satan working in the fields
4)We will become leaders who will save many people in the spiritual summit getting Gods blessings for our career

Conclusion: God has called us and the next generation as Remnant Missionary. Enjoy 24-hour prayer and find 24-hour mission. We must be the evangelists who will change ourselves, and prevent crises of this era.


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