2011년 11월 20일 "How should you go on from here?"
2012-01-05 00:00:00
조회수 1688
November.20,2011 Sunday Service II Rev. Shin, Bong Jun
How should you go on from here?
Introduction: Even unbelievers observe thanksgivings as well. Each country has its own traditions and culture about thanksgiving. However, it is just physical and half way done without knowing spiritual secret. We must think about spiritual and physical blessings that God has given to us(Ps.28:5). We can receive another answers as much as we know the blessings we have taken until now.
1.The origin of Thanksgiving Day
(1)The origin of Bible(Dt.16:6-17)
1)God allowed Israelite to have spiritual restoration and financial blessings through feasts
2)The three feasts - It is not worthy living without Gods grace (The feast of unleavened, the feast of tabernacles)
(2)The origin of general Thanksgiving Day
1)America: After the English Puritans arrived at the land of America and harvested the food in the end of hardship, they thanked to God
2)Korea: When the missionary came into Inchen to spread the gospel, churches started celebrating Thanksgiving Day on every 3rd Sunday as the memorial day
3)Most of people thanked to God without any biblical concepts
(3)We must restore spiritual meanings of Thanksgiving
1)Devil satan has hindered spiritual harvests(Mt.13:25)
2)The Bible says spiritual harvests
3)Whenever we witness Jesus Christ only, we can harvest the right crops
2.Find out the reason why we cannot help but thank to God
(1)Only the one who finds Gods hidden plans and the strategics of satan can enjoy Gods secret.
1)The strategics of satan
①Every religion and idolatry worships satan
②Even authority from satan was broken, it acts until the end of the world
③Satan will be broken completely in the day of the Second Coming of Christ(Mt.25:41)
④Satan is using abusive language knowing the few its day(1Pe.5:7-8)
⑤Once one allowed the work of darkness, they come with 7 times of abilities(Mt.12:44-45)
⑥Satan finds the places that bring conflicts and hatreds
⑦Satan leads people who do not have spiritual battles to destroyed path(1Pe.5:7-8)
⑧While satan gives things good for eyes, it steals spiritual blessings
2)Gods plan
①God broke the head of satan completely by Christ who is the offspring of the woman (Ge.3:15)
②Christ comes to solve satan and original sin(1Jn.3:8)
③Even though we commit sins, Holy Spirit never forsakes us
(2)God gave us the name of the Jehovah to fight against satan(v. 11,12)
1)The name of Jehovah is the name of gospel and as receiving Jesus who is Gods son, God comes in us(Jn.10:30, 1:14)
2)Once we know the name of Christ, believe and receive it, God leads every step we take
3)The moment we accept Christ as the Lord putting every experience, prejudice, and obstinacy down onto God, miracles can happen to our lives(Jn.2)
Conclusion: We must find out the reason why we cannot help but thank to God on this earth. We must be thankful that God gave us the name of Christ that can bring us victory in the fields, which is the best present that God gave to us. We can do everything in it. We can put everything into practice while holding todays words and todays prayer. There must be the miracle that every field changes because of us who keep this blessing.
How should you go on from here?
Introduction: Even unbelievers observe thanksgivings as well. Each country has its own traditions and culture about thanksgiving. However, it is just physical and half way done without knowing spiritual secret. We must think about spiritual and physical blessings that God has given to us(Ps.28:5). We can receive another answers as much as we know the blessings we have taken until now.
1.The origin of Thanksgiving Day
(1)The origin of Bible(Dt.16:6-17)
1)God allowed Israelite to have spiritual restoration and financial blessings through feasts
2)The three feasts - It is not worthy living without Gods grace (The feast of unleavened, the feast of tabernacles)
(2)The origin of general Thanksgiving Day
1)America: After the English Puritans arrived at the land of America and harvested the food in the end of hardship, they thanked to God
2)Korea: When the missionary came into Inchen to spread the gospel, churches started celebrating Thanksgiving Day on every 3rd Sunday as the memorial day
3)Most of people thanked to God without any biblical concepts
(3)We must restore spiritual meanings of Thanksgiving
1)Devil satan has hindered spiritual harvests(Mt.13:25)
2)The Bible says spiritual harvests
3)Whenever we witness Jesus Christ only, we can harvest the right crops
2.Find out the reason why we cannot help but thank to God
(1)Only the one who finds Gods hidden plans and the strategics of satan can enjoy Gods secret.
1)The strategics of satan
①Every religion and idolatry worships satan
②Even authority from satan was broken, it acts until the end of the world
③Satan will be broken completely in the day of the Second Coming of Christ(Mt.25:41)
④Satan is using abusive language knowing the few its day(1Pe.5:7-8)
⑤Once one allowed the work of darkness, they come with 7 times of abilities(Mt.12:44-45)
⑥Satan finds the places that bring conflicts and hatreds
⑦Satan leads people who do not have spiritual battles to destroyed path(1Pe.5:7-8)
⑧While satan gives things good for eyes, it steals spiritual blessings
2)Gods plan
①God broke the head of satan completely by Christ who is the offspring of the woman (Ge.3:15)
②Christ comes to solve satan and original sin(1Jn.3:8)
③Even though we commit sins, Holy Spirit never forsakes us
(2)God gave us the name of the Jehovah to fight against satan(v. 11,12)
1)The name of Jehovah is the name of gospel and as receiving Jesus who is Gods son, God comes in us(Jn.10:30, 1:14)
2)Once we know the name of Christ, believe and receive it, God leads every step we take
3)The moment we accept Christ as the Lord putting every experience, prejudice, and obstinacy down onto God, miracles can happen to our lives(Jn.2)
Conclusion: We must find out the reason why we cannot help but thank to God on this earth. We must be thankful that God gave us the name of Christ that can bring us victory in the fields, which is the best present that God gave to us. We can do everything in it. We can put everything into practice while holding todays words and todays prayer. There must be the miracle that every field changes because of us who keep this blessing.