2012년 1월 29일 "The authority of Jesus Christ"
2012-02-01 00:00:00
조회수 1753
January.29,2012 Sunday Service II Rev. Shin, Bong Jun
The authority of Jesus Christ
Introduction: The most important key to our successful walk of faith is to realize what we have and how to enjoy the possession every moment. God gave us everything in the name of Jesus Christ. Therefore, we can have a clear definition of the walk of faith, which means having the assurance of salvation, knowing the secret in the name of Jesus and enjoying the authority of His name through prayers. That moment, we can change people and any fields.
Unless we know the authority of Jesus Christ, it is very hard for us to live in this world. The walk of the faith is a spiritual battle so we must have authority(Eph.6:10-20, 2Ti.2:4, Dt.28:7, Mt.12:28-29, 16:16-18).
1.Authority - 3 principles
(1)Even unbelievers have their own authority. Here are some reasons why unbelievers succeed in the world
1)2Co.4:4-5 the god of the world
2)Jn.16:11 the prince of the world
3)Jn.8:44 your father, the devil
However, the devil that has this authority and its followers are supposed to be fallen and go to hell in the end
(2)Jesus Christ has every authority in heaven and on earth
(3)God gave us the authority of Jesus
1)Lk.10:19 2)Mk.3:15 3)Mk.16:15-18
2.The evidence of the Bible - the content of authority from Jesus
(1)Jn.1:12 the authority of God to His children. this faith is granted to us by his grace(Eph.2:8)
(2)Mt.28:18-20 the authority in heaven and on earth
(3)Mt.9:6 the authority about the forgiveness of sins
(4)Col.1:13 He has rescued us from the dominion of darkness
(5)1Jn.3:8 Jesus Christ who destroyed the devils work
(6)Jn.5:27 He has authority to condemn - Jesus has authority to judge the world and sins
(7)Jn.16:24 the authority to answer our prayer requests
3.How can the authority be proved? - It works with Holy Spirit
(1)Jn.14:16, 26-27
Conclusion: God gave us everything in the name of Jesus Christ. We can just enjoy the authority of Jesus Christ through prayers. How can we enjoy the authority of Jesus Christ with prayers?
1)We must kneel down before the name, Christ. From then, the authorities of Christ appear in the fields and chronic problems are healed and every problem becomes our platform of blessings.
ex)Moses, David, Paul(Ac.9, Gal.2:20)
2)We must proclaim the authorities of Christ(Php.2:9-11, Ac.3:6, Ac.16:16-18)
The name, Christ that everything obeys. When we proclaim and declare His name to the fields, God will guide us to enjoy the blessings for conquerors(Dt.33:29).
The authority of Jesus Christ
Introduction: The most important key to our successful walk of faith is to realize what we have and how to enjoy the possession every moment. God gave us everything in the name of Jesus Christ. Therefore, we can have a clear definition of the walk of faith, which means having the assurance of salvation, knowing the secret in the name of Jesus and enjoying the authority of His name through prayers. That moment, we can change people and any fields.
Unless we know the authority of Jesus Christ, it is very hard for us to live in this world. The walk of the faith is a spiritual battle so we must have authority(Eph.6:10-20, 2Ti.2:4, Dt.28:7, Mt.12:28-29, 16:16-18).
1.Authority - 3 principles
(1)Even unbelievers have their own authority. Here are some reasons why unbelievers succeed in the world
1)2Co.4:4-5 the god of the world
2)Jn.16:11 the prince of the world
3)Jn.8:44 your father, the devil
However, the devil that has this authority and its followers are supposed to be fallen and go to hell in the end
(2)Jesus Christ has every authority in heaven and on earth
(3)God gave us the authority of Jesus
1)Lk.10:19 2)Mk.3:15 3)Mk.16:15-18
2.The evidence of the Bible - the content of authority from Jesus
(1)Jn.1:12 the authority of God to His children. this faith is granted to us by his grace(Eph.2:8)
(2)Mt.28:18-20 the authority in heaven and on earth
(3)Mt.9:6 the authority about the forgiveness of sins
(4)Col.1:13 He has rescued us from the dominion of darkness
(5)1Jn.3:8 Jesus Christ who destroyed the devils work
(6)Jn.5:27 He has authority to condemn - Jesus has authority to judge the world and sins
(7)Jn.16:24 the authority to answer our prayer requests
3.How can the authority be proved? - It works with Holy Spirit
(1)Jn.14:16, 26-27
Conclusion: God gave us everything in the name of Jesus Christ. We can just enjoy the authority of Jesus Christ through prayers. How can we enjoy the authority of Jesus Christ with prayers?
1)We must kneel down before the name, Christ. From then, the authorities of Christ appear in the fields and chronic problems are healed and every problem becomes our platform of blessings.
ex)Moses, David, Paul(Ac.9, Gal.2:20)
2)We must proclaim the authorities of Christ(Php.2:9-11, Ac.3:6, Ac.16:16-18)
The name, Christ that everything obeys. When we proclaim and declare His name to the fields, God will guide us to enjoy the blessings for conquerors(Dt.33:29).