
2009년 04월 19일 "네 길을 여호와께 맡기라" 영문
2009-04-20 00:00:00
조회수   2234
April 19, 2009/ Sunday Pulpit Msg./ Pastor Shin, Bong Jun
Commit Everything You Do To the Lord
(Psalm 37:1-11)

Introduction: Psalm 37 is the testimony that David wrote with faith looking back at his past life; it is word for next generation, like the book of Proverbs. David found God"s plan while being seriously attacked by the people who didn"t have the covenant. He enjoyed true pleasure and found the mystery of Immanuel when the time of sufferings(v.4). He knew the fact that God, the Author of all beings, laughed at the prosperity of the wicked and that the forces of darkness would flee away in the end when the kingdom of God expanded . People without the covenant will be absolutely perished, and people with the covenant are doomed to receive blessings from generation to generation. Therefore, the old David recommends us to grab hold of the covenant and to entrust your entire life to God on verse 5. Why do you have to entrust your life to God?

1. God is the only one who can save mankind from curses
(1) Life of every human being is in the midst of curses (fundamental problems)
1) Failure and limitation even after diligent life and success
(Presidents in the history)
2) Captivity of Satan as the result of the original sin
Curses and disaster coming regardless of one"s will.
3) Final destination → the hell
4) Every human being is a child of wrath and bears fruits of curses (Rom. 2:5)
(2) God is the only one who can solve the problem of curses.
1) There is no one who can live without God
2) There is no one who can escape from the hands of Satan and destiny by his own power. (Eph. 2:1)
3) God came to the earth since He was the only one who could solve the
fundamental problems.
4) He died on the cross on behalf of sinners and resurrected to show the proof
of the Christ. (1 Cor. 15:55)
5) God came to the earth to break down the power of Satan.
(Gen. 3:15, 1Jn. 3:8)
6) You become a child of God, and the Holy Spirit dwells in you when Christ
opens the door of your heart. (Rev. 3:20)

2. God has granted the Christians complete blessings (the work of the Holy Spirit)
(1) The indwelling, guidance, and filling of the Holy Spirit. These works of the
Holy Spirit cannot be taken away by anyone. (Act. 1:8)
1) You receive the blessing of the heavenly throne when experiencing the
indwelling of the Holy Spirit
2) Everything is connected to the blessings of God when experiencing the
guidance of the Holy Spirit
3) You can gain the strength to save the world when experiencing the filling of
the Holy Spirit.
(2) The method of experiencing the works of the Holy Spirit
1) The indwelling of the Holy Spirit - confirm the completeness of the Gospel
in you while doing scheduled prayer (1 Cor. 12:3)
2) The guidance of the Holy Spirit (The blessing of evangelism and mission) -
Struggle to receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit
※ I am in the middle between the complete Gospel and the complete plan of
evangelism; I need the filling of the Holy Spirit because I am so weak and
lacking. (Zec. 4:6, Joel 2:28)

Conclusion: Make a plan of new life for you before God. Plan to gain strength personally first. Plan to enter into the indwelling, guidance, and filling of the Holy Spirit. Second, make the plan of prayer to find your answers ahead of time in order to confirm them in your field, the plan of evangelism to see God"s plan about your field, and the plan of offerings to receive financial blessings .


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