2009년 12월 13일 "Be Eager to Prophe"
2009-12-24 00:00:00
조회수 1780
Dec.13,2009 Sunday Service II Rev.Shin, Bong Jun
Be Eager to Prophesy
Introduction: People often put their standards of happiness to how much they possess. Suicide or arrestment of our former presidents and suicide of successful and renowned individuals have been telling us that even power, wealth, and popularity can give us true happiness. True sastisfaction and happiness come from the point where we realize God being with us. God being with us is also the topic of the whole Bible. (Immanuel. Is.7:14, 8:8, Mt.1:23). Even though God is definitely with us, we don realize the fact, and thats why spiritual problems are getting severe, and problems keep coming to us.
1. The reason why people are spiritually suffering
(1) Every problem of human being was originated from being separated from God.
1) Only human being was created to worship and meet with God (Gen.1:27)
2) Reasons why man is ignorant of God (Fundamental Problems of mankind in Gen.3)
① Man became mortal by being separated from God.
② Everything in the fields is connected to sin
③ Evil Satan leads man into the way of destruction
(2) God sent Christ to solve our fundamental problems
1) He came as the true King and destroyed the kingdom of Satan (1Jn.3:8)
2) He came as the true Priest and payed off the debts of sin all at once.
3) He came as the true Prophet and became the true way to God (Jn.14:6)
(3) You must know Christ
1) You can know God as much as understanding Christ, and the world can be properly seen (reason for repetitive failure and disaster)
2) There is perfect and complete blessings prepared in Christ (Col.2:3)
3) You can receive gifts and power without knowing Christ, but it is the work of evil spirit
4) You must find your own method to enjoy Christ (The best one is scheduled worship)
2. Problems of Corinthian church and problems of todays churches - being unable to enjoy the mystery of Christ
(1) People boasted of their gifts, and it brought disorder and chaos to the church. (v.26-32).
(2) There had been quarrels in the church because of women (v.34).
3. Solution - Preach the accurate Gospel of Christ!
(1) Be eager to prophesy (v.39)
1) Speaking a tongue is to God, and prophesy is delivering the word of God to others.
2) It means that you should grab hold of the Word and save unbelievers (Complete prophesy has been already given in the Bible)
(2) In order to solve the problems in church and the world, you must proclaim the accurate
Gospel. (2Tim.4:1-3)
1) Christ who became the way to meet God
2) Christ who solved the sin problem
3) Christ who gave us the complete freedom from Satan
Conclusion: If you know God, all of your probelms will be resolved. Man who is ignorant of God worships idols and is walking on the path of destruction. God has saved us from destruction through Christ. Then, how will you enjoy Christ? This is the core of your Christian walk. By just one person who enjoys the mystery of Christ, may all the problems in and out of church be resolved.
Be Eager to Prophesy
Introduction: People often put their standards of happiness to how much they possess. Suicide or arrestment of our former presidents and suicide of successful and renowned individuals have been telling us that even power, wealth, and popularity can give us true happiness. True sastisfaction and happiness come from the point where we realize God being with us. God being with us is also the topic of the whole Bible. (Immanuel. Is.7:14, 8:8, Mt.1:23). Even though God is definitely with us, we don realize the fact, and thats why spiritual problems are getting severe, and problems keep coming to us.
1. The reason why people are spiritually suffering
(1) Every problem of human being was originated from being separated from God.
1) Only human being was created to worship and meet with God (Gen.1:27)
2) Reasons why man is ignorant of God (Fundamental Problems of mankind in Gen.3)
① Man became mortal by being separated from God.
② Everything in the fields is connected to sin
③ Evil Satan leads man into the way of destruction
(2) God sent Christ to solve our fundamental problems
1) He came as the true King and destroyed the kingdom of Satan (1Jn.3:8)
2) He came as the true Priest and payed off the debts of sin all at once.
3) He came as the true Prophet and became the true way to God (Jn.14:6)
(3) You must know Christ
1) You can know God as much as understanding Christ, and the world can be properly seen (reason for repetitive failure and disaster)
2) There is perfect and complete blessings prepared in Christ (Col.2:3)
3) You can receive gifts and power without knowing Christ, but it is the work of evil spirit
4) You must find your own method to enjoy Christ (The best one is scheduled worship)
2. Problems of Corinthian church and problems of todays churches - being unable to enjoy the mystery of Christ
(1) People boasted of their gifts, and it brought disorder and chaos to the church. (v.26-32).
(2) There had been quarrels in the church because of women (v.34).
3. Solution - Preach the accurate Gospel of Christ!
(1) Be eager to prophesy (v.39)
1) Speaking a tongue is to God, and prophesy is delivering the word of God to others.
2) It means that you should grab hold of the Word and save unbelievers (Complete prophesy has been already given in the Bible)
(2) In order to solve the problems in church and the world, you must proclaim the accurate
Gospel. (2Tim.4:1-3)
1) Christ who became the way to meet God
2) Christ who solved the sin problem
3) Christ who gave us the complete freedom from Satan
Conclusion: If you know God, all of your probelms will be resolved. Man who is ignorant of God worships idols and is walking on the path of destruction. God has saved us from destruction through Christ. Then, how will you enjoy Christ? This is the core of your Christian walk. By just one person who enjoys the mystery of Christ, may all the problems in and out of church be resolved.