
2010년 01월 24일"The church that enjoys the oneness"
2010-01-26 00:00:00
조회수   1858
Jan.24,2010 Sunday Service II Rev.Shin, Bong Jun
The church that enjoys the oneness

Introduction: The Korean church and the world church are facing a crisis because they are ignorant about the mystery of the Gospel that breaks off the forces of darkness, Evangelism that transmit the light to the world and Spiritual fact. We must recover the true Gospel and enjoy true evangelism. You will reach a conclusion that the children of God should form the oneness if you truly possess the Gospel and enjoy evangelism. The first church didn fail but received the great blessings. The mystery of their victory is the oneness. (Ac1:1-11, 12-14, 2:46-47)

1.Different understanding of the oneness
(Biblical understanding)
(1)Crystal of the oneness- church
1)A gathering for those who have been rescued from the dominion of darkness
2)There are many parts, but one body (The mystery of the church Eph.4:11-12 1Co.12:12-20)
(2)True oneness of mankind starts from the true salvation
(Immanuel, Oneness)
1)The salvation is to form the oneness between you and God through the Christ
2)Mankind that was created in the image of God once used to be in the blessing of the oneness of God
3)By Satan, mankind committed sin and the blessing of the oneness was broken
4)God has sent Christ in a bid to form the oneness with mankind that had fallen into the status of dominion of darkness (Gen.3:15)
5)When you accept the Christ, God comes into your heart (Blessing of Immanuel, Jn1:12)
6)Nothing in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord (Rom.8:39)
(3)Centering around the field in which the work of salvation occurs, the new oneness is formed. (Ac.1:12-14, 2:1)

2.Why do we absolutely have to recover the mystery of the oneness and enjoy the blessing?
(1)Satan holds everything systematically; politics, economy, society, culture ,etc. (Rev.2:19, 3:9)
(2)In order to fight spiritual battles against the organization of satan and to have victory (Gospel, Disciples, Evangelism, Missions, Remnant Unity)

3.How can we enjoy this blessing of the oneness?
(1)The mystery to enjoy the blessing of the oneness
1)Find out todays evangelism (Enjoy the Gospel)
2)You will see the fulfillment of the word
3)You will be able to pray correctly
4)God will make your past a footstool and a message
5)God will place people who need the Gospel around you and the movement of the word arises
6)Your talent will be connected with world evangelism (Specialty)
7)God will give you the evidence on your work(Life)
(2)Find out and grab todays message, prayer and evangelism (Ex.3:16, Jos.3:1-3, Ac.17:2)

Conclusion: Regard every meeting valuable, find out the blessing of the oneness. It is prerequisite to find out and grab todays evangelism, message and prayer in order to do that. At the moment when you reach a definite decision to receive these answers, the holy spirit will work for you to grab todays evangelism, message and prayer.


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