
2010년 02월 28일"The Words that are always living"
2010-03-02 00:00:00
조회수   1800
Introduction: We have a close look at 10 platforms of faith. First of all, what the most important thing is our faith in Gods sovereignty. When we accept Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit comes on you, renew the life, from that point we are under the control of God’s sovereignty. When Holy Spirit indwells us, Gods living and active words will be fulfilled. It is the Word that God gave us as a signal that guides us correctly to the right direction without failure while the children of God are living on the earth.(Ps.119:105)

1. What is Gods Word?
(1)The purpose of men and the way of achieving it.
1)The ultimate goal of men is to glorify and please God forever(the answer of problem1 in shorter catechism)
2)Things indicated above can be done through His word.(the answer of problem2 in shorter catechism)
(2)The word from the Lord is :
1)The work of creation are to be shown to those who hold onto the covenant, which is alive and active(Ge.1:1-13, Heb.4:12)
2)The consistent word(Isa.40:8)
3)All solutions in God’s perfect word (no need going to the fortuneteller)
4)The imperishable word(2Ti.3:1, 14-17, Ro.15:4, 1Co.10:11, Rev.1:3)

2. How can we understand the Word?(the things that must be planted through the word)
(1)The most important purpose of the teaching is that we do not perish but receive the salvation from God(Jn.3:16, 20:31)
1)The old and new testaments can be acknowledged correctly when we see the center of Christ
①Genesis-Abrahams home succeeded by holding the covenant of Canaans life
②Exodus-Israel were freed from slavery by offering sacrifices to the Lord
③Numbers-The number of Israelites to enter Canaan from the desert
④Deuteronomy-The word which must be fulfilled in Cannon
⑤Joshua, Judges, Ruth- conquering the land of Cannon with the covenant of life and the secret
⑥1.2Kings, 1.2Chronicles-God sent us kings, prophets and priests in order to recover the secret of life
⑦Isaiah-The secret of life is proclaimed again while under captivity because people lost hold of it
⑧Four Gospels(Mt, Mk, Lk, Jn) -The fact that Jesus is the Christ was explained in all directions
⑨Act and letters-proving the fact that Jesus is the Christ, the real God
⑩Revelation-No matter what happens in the end, there is no failure for those who hold onto the covenant of life
2)Today, the covenant of life which the early churches had must be taken
①The early church found the value worth risking their lives(since they held onto the covenant such as “Jesus is the Christ, the kingdom of God, the power of Holy spirit, witnesses only)
②Not Only does God want us to know the fact that Christ is the only solution, confessing everything is in Christ, but also He wants us to relay this fact to the next generation.
(2)The bible tells us about the spiritual fact and its blessings
1)It says that the life of the flesh and the scale are also important for the world evangelization(spiritual blessing)
2)Without knowing the spiritual fact, there is no success in the walk of faith(Hos.4: 6)

Conclusion:The life like grass must go with the everlasting word from God(Isa.40:6-8). God definitely provides us with His word first and answers later(Ge.21:1-3, Jer.33:1-3). The level of understanding of His word equals the level of the answers. Today, we have the word God has already given to us for this week. We must enter the sovereignty of God holding the message from the Lord.


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