
2010년 04월 25일"The selection of God and the faith"
2010-04-26 00:00:00
조회수   1825
Apr.25,2010 Sunday Service II Rev.Shin, Bong Jun
The selection of God and the faith

Introduction: A potter makes the vessel with purpose as he pleases. We call this case the selection. It is the absolute blessing and the selection of God that God redeemed us and made us his children. It is precisely because God is the master of the world.

1.The reason we should have the faith
(1)Mankind was created as being who can live by faith before God(Mankind was created to associate with God)
1)Mankind was created in the image of God so that one could associate with God (Gen.1:27)
2)Those who became the new creation through Christ can be victorious only by having the faith to believe in God
(2)We are not able to be victorious and to live through the world which God has created without having the faith
1)The mystery to succeed in interpersonal relationship is the faith
2)Every person, every incident and the world will be conquered through those who confess the faith
(3)The blessing of heaven will be fulfilled regardless of environment only when you have the faith
1)The Individuals in the bible were successful by having the faith even though they faced hardships(Heb.11:1-2)
2)The new work of creation will take place when you have the faith in your heart(Heb.11:3)
(4)The forces of darkness and unbelief will be defeated only by the faith
(5)By the faith, one can be saved(Eph.2:8, Rom.10:10)

2.What faith do we talk about?
(1)The fact that he selection and the decision on everything belong to God (The sovereignty of God)
1)God is potter- everything is under the sovereignty of God
2)I myself who is ruled under the sovereignty of God am a child of God
(2)Only through Christ, we can believe in God and we can get into the sovereignty of God
1)Christ came to the earth to solve the problem of the original sin (Gen.3:15)
2)Christ died on the cross and resurrected in 3 days in evidence
3)God dwells with those who believe by the holy spirit, he guides them and he takes the responsibility

Conclusion: If you have the faith in your heart, you will see the work of God in the field. everything will be done according to Gods will. God will then begin to work when the faith to believe in Gods sovereignty is deeply rooted. May you restore the true faith to believe in Gods absolute sovereignty.


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