
2010년 09월 26일 " Those who will be shone and remembered forever"
2010-09-29 00:00:00
조회수   1556
September.26,2010 Sunday Service II Rev. Shin, Bong Jun
Those who will be shone and remembered forever

Introduction: The Bible has given perfect answers to the future. God has known the history that had already passed and would come later. God has not only known them but also superintended everything. This is Gods sovereignty that the book of Daniel emphasized. Daniel says even though there are hardships, distress and pressures occurring, people with covenants will certainly win over them (v.1). There is nothing to worry since you have already had perfect blessings. Todays scripture says what the beginning and completion of the end will be like and how to sustain a life as the most blessed man.

1.The beginning of the last time - starting with big distress
(1)Bible tells us that distress that was not in the history of human beings will occur(v.1)
1)Jesus says that there will be distress and delusion and dispute and calamity, and lawlessness(Mt.24:21)
2)But those who get the hold of covenants and stand firmly to the end surly will win(Mt.24:13-14)
3)God is working with the history of the end in the center of people with covenants
4)Bible says the recovery of the Israel and the perfect victory of those who were saved(Ro.11:25-26)
(2)God protects His chosen children
1)In fatal distress God protected His people using Michael, the great prince, in the spiritual battles(v.1)
①Satan was not strong enough against Michael in heaven and was hurled to the earth(Rev.12:7-12)
②The distresses at the end occurs by satans last-ditch fight
2)However we have problems, we must solve the spiritual part first
①Tie up the authority of satan(Mt.12:29)
②The secret that conquers all in the end - to know spiritual secret and get spiritual power, and fight spiritual battle

2.How will the completion of the end be shaped?
(1)Last completion of believers stands in the glory of resurrection
1)Believers will arise in the resurrection of life and unbelievers will arise in the resurrections of condemnation(Jn.5:28-29)
2)We enjoy the resurrection of life and the history of eternal blessings in the name of Jesus(1Th.4:16)
(2)A special prize for those who got resurrection of life - it will shine like the brightness of the heavens and like the stars for ever and ever(v.3)
1)Those who are wise know the precious blood of Jesus and enjoy the authority(v.10)
2)Those who enjoy and know gospel of Christ lead many to God(v.3)

3.Those who know the beginning and completion of the end come into the blessings of evangelists
(1)Use and put the list, a life of the evangelist, into practice
(2)Make a team first
(3)Our power is to know God and to enjoy words, prayers and evangelism(Ne.8:10)
(4)Evangelist will be remembered and shone for ever and ever(Ma.13:43)

Conclusion: We do not have to be shaken when we know the beginning and completion of the end. Do not be astray but hold one thing. The conclusion of Bible is that we keep holding Christ covenants and live a life of the evangelists giving the answer to the spiritual problem in the field. We must remember Da.12:3 this week and pray for the World Remnant Culture Mission Conference.


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