
2011년 2월 20일 "Come before the Lord"
2011-02-25 00:00:00
조회수   1477
February.20,2011 Sunday Service II Rev. Shin, Bong Jun
Come before the Lord

Introduction: People are supposed to seek the Lord when we fall into problems and difficulties in their walk of faith. Early churches all joined together constantly in prayer(Ac.1:14), yet there was no other choice in that situation. It is important for Christians to have walk of faith everyday even in difficulties. When we constantly get the power of prayers, we will enjoy Gods blessings in the middle of problems and accidents. It is called Immanuel and the life of the evangelist that God is with us for 24 hours a day. What do we have to do to restore the power God given on a daily basis?

1.We must open spiritual eyes(v.16)
(1)We must realize the true meaning of Exodus
1)Major events of the Old Testament - Exodus(I am the Lord your God who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery)
2)We were saved in the middle of absolute problems of Genesis 3 by Gods grace and power
①We will be guided realistically as much as we know where we used to be and where we are standing now
②Man is doomed to join the dead while there is madness in their hearts of lifetime wandering among unbelievers
(2)God has given us the way for people not to perish
1)Jesus Christ is the only way(Jn.14:6)
2)Jesus Christ redeemed and delivered us from sin(Ro.3:24, 5:8, Jn.5:24)
3)All who received Jesus Christ become the children of God(Jn.1:12)

2.We must open the eyes to see the future(v.7)
(1)Gods plan for Israeli was to conquer the land of Canaan
1)We tend to be complaining if we do not see Gods plan
2)Find some important answers God places for us in our reality
3)It is world evangelization that we find Gods plan in our fields
(2)We must remember the fact that Gods glory is hidden behind the real problems
1)Do not look at the reality as reality but do it as the work from God
2)There can be a lot of problems in reality but we will soon see the glory of God

3.Our faith must be put in the right order of priority(v.9)
(1)The first priority - Come before the Lord
1)This is how we are supposed to live
2)When we come before the Lord, the problems will be solved of themselves(Isa.40:31, Ps.81:13-14, 3Jn.1:2)
(2)Be happy because of the gospel
1)Action is followed by its heart and mind
2)Are you really happy and joyful?

Conclusion: God has given us 24-hour answers in our prayers. Therefore, we must restore the power from God through daily prayers. In turn, Sunday massage will become our answers and we can win in our field by getting answers from Php.4:6-7 during the following week. We must restore the power God has regularly given us.


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