2011년 12월 25일 "Glory to God and peace on earth"
2012-01-05 00:00:00
조회수 1751
December.25,2011 Sunday Service II Rev. Shin, Bong Jun
Glory to God and peace on earth
Introduction: Christmas, Jesus coming is the good news with great joy. When we have this news, it will be glory to God and on earth peace to man with salvation. What is the true meaning of Christmas?
1.Every relationship is restored(communication)
(1)The relationship with God was broken by humans sin
1)Every relationship on earth was broken
2)The cause of severance, conflict, division is original sin
①The conflict of Adam and Eve(Ge.2:23, 3:12)
②The severance of language communication and restoration(Ge.11:1,9, Ac.2:4)
③The early church that accomplished community(Ac.2)
3)The result of broken relationship with God
①It is dominated by satan ②Idolatry ③The third and fourth generations will be destroyed ④It is under the fate and destiny ⑤It is fallen in mental and physical problems ⑥People are living on the earth like living in hell and are go to hell after death
4)When we accomplish right communication with God, we receive Gods blessings(Ps.128)
5)When we restore relationship with God, every creature will be restored(Ro.8:19)
(2)God came on this earth in flash to solve the broken relationships(Incarnation)
1)Salvation, true peace come(v.14)
2)Success in communication with human(Christ, the king of peace)
2.It is the day that achieved the prophecy of the Old Testament(Ge.3:15, Ps.7:14)
(1)The accomplishment of covenants in the Old Testament
1)Jesus was born in the Bethlehem as where will be born as it was prophesied(Mic.5:2)
2)It was accomplished as prophesied that He would come out from Egypt when he was young(Hos.11:1)
3)Prophesied His birth 700 years before he was born(Isa.7:14, Mt.1:18-20,23)
(2)When we get hold of His words as covenants, God will be accomplishing them(Isa.40:8, 60:22, Hab.2:2)
3.We can miss spiritual blessings if we have lots of possessions
(1)We cannot see spiritual blessings if we have a lot
1)The angels told the shepherds about the birth of Christ
2)Christ was born in a manger
3)Holy Spirit worked in the Marks attic where the powerless gathered
4)God made Israeli slaves to know His power for 430 years
(2)We must stop myself, my standard and experience in the gospel(todays prayer)
Conclusion: It is salvation to restore relationship with God and to communicate with God. Salvation is to restore every relationship. Christ came to this earth to give these blessings. One who know this fact can enjoy the true peace. We must have a standard of words accomplishing absolutely. Please put down your own standard and open your eyes to spiritual blessings and become an evangelist who can convey true Christmas to the world.
Glory to God and peace on earth
Introduction: Christmas, Jesus coming is the good news with great joy. When we have this news, it will be glory to God and on earth peace to man with salvation. What is the true meaning of Christmas?
1.Every relationship is restored(communication)
(1)The relationship with God was broken by humans sin
1)Every relationship on earth was broken
2)The cause of severance, conflict, division is original sin
①The conflict of Adam and Eve(Ge.2:23, 3:12)
②The severance of language communication and restoration(Ge.11:1,9, Ac.2:4)
③The early church that accomplished community(Ac.2)
3)The result of broken relationship with God
①It is dominated by satan ②Idolatry ③The third and fourth generations will be destroyed ④It is under the fate and destiny ⑤It is fallen in mental and physical problems ⑥People are living on the earth like living in hell and are go to hell after death
4)When we accomplish right communication with God, we receive Gods blessings(Ps.128)
5)When we restore relationship with God, every creature will be restored(Ro.8:19)
(2)God came on this earth in flash to solve the broken relationships(Incarnation)
1)Salvation, true peace come(v.14)
2)Success in communication with human(Christ, the king of peace)
2.It is the day that achieved the prophecy of the Old Testament(Ge.3:15, Ps.7:14)
(1)The accomplishment of covenants in the Old Testament
1)Jesus was born in the Bethlehem as where will be born as it was prophesied(Mic.5:2)
2)It was accomplished as prophesied that He would come out from Egypt when he was young(Hos.11:1)
3)Prophesied His birth 700 years before he was born(Isa.7:14, Mt.1:18-20,23)
(2)When we get hold of His words as covenants, God will be accomplishing them(Isa.40:8, 60:22, Hab.2:2)
3.We can miss spiritual blessings if we have lots of possessions
(1)We cannot see spiritual blessings if we have a lot
1)The angels told the shepherds about the birth of Christ
2)Christ was born in a manger
3)Holy Spirit worked in the Marks attic where the powerless gathered
4)God made Israeli slaves to know His power for 430 years
(2)We must stop myself, my standard and experience in the gospel(todays prayer)
Conclusion: It is salvation to restore relationship with God and to communicate with God. Salvation is to restore every relationship. Christ came to this earth to give these blessings. One who know this fact can enjoy the true peace. We must have a standard of words accomplishing absolutely. Please put down your own standard and open your eyes to spiritual blessings and become an evangelist who can convey true Christmas to the world.