
2012년 2월 26일 "Anyone who comes to God"
2012-03-23 00:00:00
조회수   1804
February.26,2012 Sunday Service II Rev. Shin, Bong Jun
Anyone who comes to God

Introduction: The problem happening to people in the fields is because of unbelief. It may be the reason why believers cannot enjoy answers. Anyone who comes to God must restore the true faith. God gave us 3 secrets with which we can perfectly win. There are assurance, evidence, and covenants. If we have faith in these, we can save the world regardless of our disabilities and hidden spiritual problems.

1.Premise - there are obvious things
(1)It is an obvious fact that we got salvation, became Gods children, and realized the secret of Christ
(2)So every problem of past, present, and future is finished
1)What about our past?
①Every problem of past was finished in Christ(Jn.19:30)
②God chose and called us with His best plan regardless of our weakness(Abraham, Israel, 12 disciples)
2)Our present?
①He is a living God and is with us and guides us perfectly
②Even though any sorts of problems come to us, we only need to be guided by Holy Spirit
3)Our future?
①Our future is guaranteed in the perfect blessings of God
②God creates new plan(Isa.43:13, 18-19)

2.Things to hold - assurance, evidence, covenant
(1)What we must be content with is that God is alive
1)Human lives cannot prove Gods presence but God is surely alive
2)Human lives disappear and are incomplete but God is eternal and complete
3)Waiting in the gospel is not a waste of time(1Co.15:58)
(2)We assure the fact that satan is still working on this earth
1)Satan steals and destroys the lives(the state of unbelievers)
2)But satan is doomed to be a failure so it cannot achieve their goal(Ge.3:15, Mt.16:18, 1Jn.3:8)
3)Open your eyes to see real satan behind the problem
(3)Even though we have problems, there are Gods hidden plan
1)Everything on the earth is the passing and illusion(Isa.40:6-8)
2)7 remnants who grabbed Gods plan(Ge.45:5, 2Sa.16:11, Ps.35:1, Isa.6:13, 1Ki.19:18)

Conclusion: Get out the problem of past and hold Gods covenant that will be completed in the future, please. God is working on the man right now. We must have confidence and enjoy continuous answers by restoring faith.


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