2009년 04월 26일 "O Lord My Savior"
2009-04-27 00:00:00
조회수 2028
April 26, 2009/ Suday Pulpit II/ Pastor Shin, Bong Jun
O Lord My Savior
(Psalm 38:1-22)
Introduction: Today"s scripture is about David who confesses that only God is his savior in the midst of sufferings. As the result of his sins, he physically, mentally, and spiritually suffered from diseases, departure of his close people, and attacks of darkness. In the middle of these problems, David had admitted the fact that they came from God, and he had entirely trusted God. He was so sure that God would listen to his moans. He made the resolution to look up to the Lord only. How can we be victorious even in the midst of sufferings and troubles like David was?
1. Enter into the complete Gospel.
(1) David who could not enjoy the complete Gospel stood on the side of
1) He slept with the wife of Uriah, Bathsheba.
2) He was very stressed out feeling guilty about what he had done.
(2) You should have the decision to enter into the complete Gospel.
(roots on the Gospel, Gospel nature)
1) God has given us the complete Gospel that solves every problem.
2) You need to enjoy the Gospel in the walk of faith and to put down your
roots on it
① Situation of our fields: Advanced materialistic-culture in the world and
idolatrous culture attack us
② You need to find complete answers through darakbang in your field.
③ The reasons why you have to put down your roots on the Gospel.
- It is very easy for you to be captivated by your past nature and spiritual
problems without being noticed. [individual]
- Even in the nations that started with the Gospel, there is no Gospel but
failure because of spiritual problems [Europe, Russia, America]
- 400 slavery after Joseph"s period / All the Israelites except Joshua and
Caleb were buried in the wilderness. [Jer. 4:1-5]
(3) Only the complete Gospel can transcend the limitation of human being.
[Rom. 1:16-18, Rom. 3:10,23]
1) Only the Gospel can solve the limitation of human being.
[Gen. 3 Problem - sin, curses, disasters, authority of the hell, destiny]
2) Only the Gospel, the power of God, can overcome the works of Satan.
2. We must find out correct analysis on problems, incidents, troubles, and suffering that occurs to those who have the Gospel.
(1) The more those who have the Gospel suffer, the more they succeed.
Paul (1Cor. 12:10), The Early Church (1Th.1:1-10), David (Battle with Goliath, King Saul"s attacks, Rebellion of Absalom)
(2) Those who have the Gospel become the vessels for world evangelization to
adopt and transcend people.
(3) Throughout their sufferings, they don"t trust themselves but God only.
Conclusion: How will you deal with your troubles and sufferings? Enter into the Gospel deeply, and enjoy the blessings in it. Confess, "O Lord, my Savior" like David did.
- David confirmed the blessings and mystery of this salvation even just after looking at the shadows of Christ. However, we have the real Christ Himself in our heart. Anything can never perish us. Problem is the opportunity to receive important answers. Grab hold of the name of Christ who suffered instead of us, and boldly take your steps forward the Christ who is high priest.[Heb. 4:14-16] True victory will be granted to you.
O Lord My Savior
(Psalm 38:1-22)
Introduction: Today"s scripture is about David who confesses that only God is his savior in the midst of sufferings. As the result of his sins, he physically, mentally, and spiritually suffered from diseases, departure of his close people, and attacks of darkness. In the middle of these problems, David had admitted the fact that they came from God, and he had entirely trusted God. He was so sure that God would listen to his moans. He made the resolution to look up to the Lord only. How can we be victorious even in the midst of sufferings and troubles like David was?
1. Enter into the complete Gospel.
(1) David who could not enjoy the complete Gospel stood on the side of
1) He slept with the wife of Uriah, Bathsheba.
2) He was very stressed out feeling guilty about what he had done.
(2) You should have the decision to enter into the complete Gospel.
(roots on the Gospel, Gospel nature)
1) God has given us the complete Gospel that solves every problem.
2) You need to enjoy the Gospel in the walk of faith and to put down your
roots on it
① Situation of our fields: Advanced materialistic-culture in the world and
idolatrous culture attack us
② You need to find complete answers through darakbang in your field.
③ The reasons why you have to put down your roots on the Gospel.
- It is very easy for you to be captivated by your past nature and spiritual
problems without being noticed. [individual]
- Even in the nations that started with the Gospel, there is no Gospel but
failure because of spiritual problems [Europe, Russia, America]
- 400 slavery after Joseph"s period / All the Israelites except Joshua and
Caleb were buried in the wilderness. [Jer. 4:1-5]
(3) Only the complete Gospel can transcend the limitation of human being.
[Rom. 1:16-18, Rom. 3:10,23]
1) Only the Gospel can solve the limitation of human being.
[Gen. 3 Problem - sin, curses, disasters, authority of the hell, destiny]
2) Only the Gospel, the power of God, can overcome the works of Satan.
2. We must find out correct analysis on problems, incidents, troubles, and suffering that occurs to those who have the Gospel.
(1) The more those who have the Gospel suffer, the more they succeed.
Paul (1Cor. 12:10), The Early Church (1Th.1:1-10), David (Battle with Goliath, King Saul"s attacks, Rebellion of Absalom)
(2) Those who have the Gospel become the vessels for world evangelization to
adopt and transcend people.
(3) Throughout their sufferings, they don"t trust themselves but God only.
Conclusion: How will you deal with your troubles and sufferings? Enter into the Gospel deeply, and enjoy the blessings in it. Confess, "O Lord, my Savior" like David did.
- David confirmed the blessings and mystery of this salvation even just after looking at the shadows of Christ. However, we have the real Christ Himself in our heart. Anything can never perish us. Problem is the opportunity to receive important answers. Grab hold of the name of Christ who suffered instead of us, and boldly take your steps forward the Christ who is high priest.[Heb. 4:14-16] True victory will be granted to you.