2010년 01월 31일"Yours, O Lord, is the sovereignty"
2010-02-01 00:00:00
조회수 1840
Jan.31,2010 Sunday Service II Rev.Shin, Bong Jun
Yours, O Lord, is the sovereignty
Introduction: Why my life is so laborious? Don you have such anguish? If you recover an important blessing, your life and finance will be restored and your life become meaningful. Do not struggle with your problems but grab the Gospel which God gave us to solve all the problems of the life. the Gospel(evangelism), the word and the prayer are the most basic element for the life of faith. Depending on how you understand it and how much you enjoy it, your spiritual state will be changed. Then, the culture, an individual and a society will be changed and God will give you the evidence on your work. Be quick to grab todays word, prayer and evangelism.
1. Understanding on Gods absolute sovereignty.
(1)You must have the faith on Gods absolute sovereignty first
1)The faith that God guides your life in the most perfect way with the good purpose
①The Creator
③He plans for us
④He governs the life
⑤He governs the human destiny, the future and the history of mankind
2)All the problems of the life meant to be solved
(Spiritual problem will be healed, the conflicts will be solved, the scars will be solved)
(2)Why is it difficult for us to have the faith to believe Gods absolute sovereignty?
1)We still have the habit and the constitution from Genesis chp.3
2)The work of Satan - make us to fall into unbelief and to live under complaint and discontent without true peace
3)You have no choice but to live your life by your own calculation, experiences, greed and thought because you, yourself, occupy the place of the master of your life
(3)If you don believe in Gods absolute sovereignty, no matter how diligently you live the life of faith you have no choice but to be destroyed
1)Unbelief brings us the eternal problem
①Abrahams unbelief- birth of Ismail ②Jobs fear
2)Reversely, when you recover the faith through which the holy spirit will work ①Abrahams faith - sacrificed Isaac as a burnt offering(Gen.22)
②Centurions faith(Mt.8)
③Members of the first church was martyrized, keeping the faith(Heb.11)
④The faith of Daniel and three of his friends
3)Instead of unbelief, you should say the belief and the word that saves other people
2. How can the faith to believe in the absolute sovereignty be recovered?
(1)As much as you have the assurance of the salvation, it will be proved that you are under Gods sovereignty
1)God gave all the blessings to mankind who were created in the image of God
2)Mankind were separated from God and caught by Satan(Gen.3 problem)
3)God gave us the covenant of messiah(Gen.3:15)
4)The Christ who is true king, true priest and true prophet came to the earth
5)Holy spirit will work in those who accept Jesus Christ and become child of God
(2)If you enjoy the blessing of salvation, you will have the faith on Gods absolute sovereignty
1)Todays Evangelism
2)Todays Word
3)Todays Prayer
Conclusion: We cannot help being disappointed and unbelieving because of the reality of the field. But confess the faith to believe in absolute sovereignty of God. God knows your circumstances and the problems what you face. Satan intends to implant unbelief within you. Nothing, however, can drag you into failure because you are under Gods absolute sovereignty. (Rom. 8: 29) Lord will do this swiftly in its time. (Isa. 60: 22) God who dwells within us (the Holy Spirit) is infinite and has unlimited intelligence. God has promised that he will reign over and guide our life. All you need to do is to recover the faith.
Yours, O Lord, is the sovereignty
Introduction: Why my life is so laborious? Don you have such anguish? If you recover an important blessing, your life and finance will be restored and your life become meaningful. Do not struggle with your problems but grab the Gospel which God gave us to solve all the problems of the life. the Gospel(evangelism), the word and the prayer are the most basic element for the life of faith. Depending on how you understand it and how much you enjoy it, your spiritual state will be changed. Then, the culture, an individual and a society will be changed and God will give you the evidence on your work. Be quick to grab todays word, prayer and evangelism.
1. Understanding on Gods absolute sovereignty.
(1)You must have the faith on Gods absolute sovereignty first
1)The faith that God guides your life in the most perfect way with the good purpose
①The Creator
③He plans for us
④He governs the life
⑤He governs the human destiny, the future and the history of mankind
2)All the problems of the life meant to be solved
(Spiritual problem will be healed, the conflicts will be solved, the scars will be solved)
(2)Why is it difficult for us to have the faith to believe Gods absolute sovereignty?
1)We still have the habit and the constitution from Genesis chp.3
2)The work of Satan - make us to fall into unbelief and to live under complaint and discontent without true peace
3)You have no choice but to live your life by your own calculation, experiences, greed and thought because you, yourself, occupy the place of the master of your life
(3)If you don believe in Gods absolute sovereignty, no matter how diligently you live the life of faith you have no choice but to be destroyed
1)Unbelief brings us the eternal problem
①Abrahams unbelief- birth of Ismail ②Jobs fear
2)Reversely, when you recover the faith through which the holy spirit will work ①Abrahams faith - sacrificed Isaac as a burnt offering(Gen.22)
②Centurions faith(Mt.8)
③Members of the first church was martyrized, keeping the faith(Heb.11)
④The faith of Daniel and three of his friends
3)Instead of unbelief, you should say the belief and the word that saves other people
2. How can the faith to believe in the absolute sovereignty be recovered?
(1)As much as you have the assurance of the salvation, it will be proved that you are under Gods sovereignty
1)God gave all the blessings to mankind who were created in the image of God
2)Mankind were separated from God and caught by Satan(Gen.3 problem)
3)God gave us the covenant of messiah(Gen.3:15)
4)The Christ who is true king, true priest and true prophet came to the earth
5)Holy spirit will work in those who accept Jesus Christ and become child of God
(2)If you enjoy the blessing of salvation, you will have the faith on Gods absolute sovereignty
1)Todays Evangelism
2)Todays Word
3)Todays Prayer
Conclusion: We cannot help being disappointed and unbelieving because of the reality of the field. But confess the faith to believe in absolute sovereignty of God. God knows your circumstances and the problems what you face. Satan intends to implant unbelief within you. Nothing, however, can drag you into failure because you are under Gods absolute sovereignty. (Rom. 8: 29) Lord will do this swiftly in its time. (Isa. 60: 22) God who dwells within us (the Holy Spirit) is infinite and has unlimited intelligence. God has promised that he will reign over and guide our life. All you need to do is to recover the faith.