2011년 3월 13일 "God's glory upon us"
2011-03-16 00:00:00
조회수 1451
March.13,2011 Sunday Service II Rev. Shin, Bong Jun
Gods glory upon us
Introduction: Salvation we received from God has two meanings. One means salvation is an instant event accomplished at once and the other means the eternal event(Jn.1:1). The status as a child of God is completed right after we receive Christ. Yet, the work of salvation develops gradually until the day of Christ(Ph.1:6). The moment we received Jesus Christ, we have a life, which will be growing and prospering gradually. God made us His children at once and is molding us as much as we enjoy God until the day of Christ. His words are the way God guides us (Eph.4:22-24)
1.Experience Gods eternal words(v.7,9)
(1)Whenever His words come, each individual, family, society, and nation become alive(Eze.47:6-9, 12)
1)When we listen to the words, true blessings get started
2)If his words come, the forces of darkness will be broken and Gods work will arise(Heb.4:12, Jn.15)
(2)We can find Gods will when holding onto His words.
1)God has given us his message in order to inform us of Gods will and his plan.
2)Gods will and plans: the blessing that gives us an eternal life(Jn.6:38-40)
3)We must see the realistic achievement of His words in prayers while holding his words(Pr.3:5-6, Ps.32:8, Php.2:16)
(3)When holding his words and praying, we open the eyes to see Gods time schedule
1)God is a designer of our time schedule(Ecc.3:1, Lsa.60:22, Hab.2:3)
2)Once we know the time schedule, even crises cannot shake us(Ex.14:13-14, Ac.27:24-25)
(4)That is the moment we can make today the best part of our life for the future(1Ch.29, the construction of the temple, David)
2.Words - what is the covenant?
(1)Christ - The name God gave us in order to restore everything
(2)The eyes to see the world - the world does not know spiritual things and is getting destroyed now.
(3)Salvation - the indwelling of Holy Spirit(Lk.11:13), complete liberation from Genesis3s curse, ensuring the future
(4)The secret of answered prayer - the life guided by the Holy Spirit
3.What if we receive his message?
(1)Gods glory comes upon us
1)The most important thing to us is Gods glory upon us(2Ti.3:1)
2)In the middle of prayer meditating on his words, Moses saw Gods glory(v.9)
(2)Organizing 24-hour prayer team - The kingdom of God comes into the fields
Conclusion: When Moses grabbed hold of Gods words and prayed, Gods glory came and showed itself to the others as an evidence(v.7,9) Moses enjoyed the answer of evangelists life. When we grab hold of the words and pray to God, Gods glory will come upon us, the darkness will be broken, and we can see the blessing, Gods glory.
Gods glory upon us
Introduction: Salvation we received from God has two meanings. One means salvation is an instant event accomplished at once and the other means the eternal event(Jn.1:1). The status as a child of God is completed right after we receive Christ. Yet, the work of salvation develops gradually until the day of Christ(Ph.1:6). The moment we received Jesus Christ, we have a life, which will be growing and prospering gradually. God made us His children at once and is molding us as much as we enjoy God until the day of Christ. His words are the way God guides us (Eph.4:22-24)
1.Experience Gods eternal words(v.7,9)
(1)Whenever His words come, each individual, family, society, and nation become alive(Eze.47:6-9, 12)
1)When we listen to the words, true blessings get started
2)If his words come, the forces of darkness will be broken and Gods work will arise(Heb.4:12, Jn.15)
(2)We can find Gods will when holding onto His words.
1)God has given us his message in order to inform us of Gods will and his plan.
2)Gods will and plans: the blessing that gives us an eternal life(Jn.6:38-40)
3)We must see the realistic achievement of His words in prayers while holding his words(Pr.3:5-6, Ps.32:8, Php.2:16)
(3)When holding his words and praying, we open the eyes to see Gods time schedule
1)God is a designer of our time schedule(Ecc.3:1, Lsa.60:22, Hab.2:3)
2)Once we know the time schedule, even crises cannot shake us(Ex.14:13-14, Ac.27:24-25)
(4)That is the moment we can make today the best part of our life for the future(1Ch.29, the construction of the temple, David)
2.Words - what is the covenant?
(1)Christ - The name God gave us in order to restore everything
(2)The eyes to see the world - the world does not know spiritual things and is getting destroyed now.
(3)Salvation - the indwelling of Holy Spirit(Lk.11:13), complete liberation from Genesis3s curse, ensuring the future
(4)The secret of answered prayer - the life guided by the Holy Spirit
3.What if we receive his message?
(1)Gods glory comes upon us
1)The most important thing to us is Gods glory upon us(2Ti.3:1)
2)In the middle of prayer meditating on his words, Moses saw Gods glory(v.9)
(2)Organizing 24-hour prayer team - The kingdom of God comes into the fields
Conclusion: When Moses grabbed hold of Gods words and prayed, Gods glory came and showed itself to the others as an evidence(v.7,9) Moses enjoyed the answer of evangelists life. When we grab hold of the words and pray to God, Gods glory will come upon us, the darkness will be broken, and we can see the blessing, Gods glory.